How do I apply for an Electronic Notice of Eligibility (NoE) and Online Oral Exam?

The MCA have recently published MIN 690, which details the updated application process to allow for applications to be made online using the submission of electronic documents, as well as the new online booking process for online oral exams. We have covered a few pertinent points here:
Revised NoE Application Process
If you are applying for your first UK CoC, your NoE application must be accompanied by original documents and certificates, which you must post to the MCA (details of what is needed for each CoC can be found on each CoC route page found on this page of our website). However, as candidates will need to keep their passports with them for travel and identification reasons, the MCA have agreed that a photocopy of the passport, signed, dated and stamped by the Captain of the vessel, along with his/her CoC number, will be accepted. You can also send your birth certificate as a form of ID.
If you already hold a UK CoC, the MCA now accepts subsequent applications, electronically, via email. The application form must be completed and emailed to the relevant team with the required documentation.
Training Record Books
Under the new electronic application system, if your CoC requires the completion of a TRB, the original physical TRB will need to be submitted to the MCA, but you must retain scanned copies of the overview signature pages from the TRB. These will be required for your oral exam.
If you meet the requirements, an NOE will be issued. Currently this is done through email and you will receive an electronic NOE. Only after you have received your NOE can you book an oral exam though the central team.
MCA Oral Exams
The way in which you can book your oral exam has changed. The MCA have rolled out a new system from April 2022 where you will be able to book your oral exam using the Online Booking Service.
You will need to send your electronic NOE, scanned Government ID and scanned Discharge Book (and certain pages from your TRB) to:
Once received, the Online Oral Exams team will check the details and send you a link to the Online Booking Service which will enable you to book your oral.
The oral exam is currently being delivered through Microsoft Teams.
A full rundown of how to apply for an electronic NoE, booking an oral exam, and what to do with your paperwork after the oral exam is available in MIN 690
Applicants for the Master (Code Vessels) <200gt CoC should be aware that the oral exam system is changing, and will now consist of the following elements:
- Part A: online computer-based, proctored examination, and
- Part B: online oral examination.
All candidates with a Notice of Eligibility (NOE) issued from 02 April 2024, must successfully complete Part A before being able to book Part B of the examination.
All Part A Pass result will be valid for 1 year.
The purpose of the Part A examination is to assess fundamental topics of the oral examination syllabus and to give both the candidate and examiner confidence that the candidate has the knowledge required to undertake the Part B examination.
Questions in both parts of the examination may be drawn from any part of the syllabus. Therefore, we recommend undertaking our 8 day prep course prior to attempting Part A, as you will need to revise the whole syllabus for this online written exam. On passing Part A, you will receive a booking link for Part B, the online oral exam, which will usually take place a few weeks after your Part A. We recommend undertaking 1-2 days of refresher oral prep immediately prior to sitting Part B.