We offer an extensive and comprehensive range of both RYA and MCA courses. Our School is set in the heart of Hoylake, on the beautiful Wirral peninsula in Northwest England.
Two names, one mission… HSS and JPMA both operate from one training centre, catering to different markets. All students coming through our doors will experience the same top quality service offered by our instructors and staff.
JPMA – The Home of the Original Oral Preparation Course
We are a group of experienced marine professionals and small craft practitioners, most of whom are Master Mariners or Chief Engineers who hold, or have held, senior positions within the Marine Industry.
We offer training and tuition to Superyacht, Workboat and Merchant Navy professionals to all levels. Our speciality is preparation for MCA Oral exams for both Deck and Engineering, with a high pass rate on first attempt.
We are an IAMI and SQA exam centre, and offer most of the written MCA Yacht & Small Vessel modules for Deck up to Master <3000gt and Engineering up to Y2 & SV Chief Engineer.
We recognise that making a journey to us from overseas can be stressful, so we have always done our best to lighten the load. As a complimentary part of your booking process, we offer a concierge service, helping with travel arrangements, taxi bookings, accommodation (off-site) and more.
JPMA students are eligible for a discounted membership of Nautilus International.
We also offer consultancy services and Mini ISM Technical Management.
The courses in the RYA Shorebased Cruising Scheme are all offered through this RYA Training Centre, where all of our tutors have a wide experience of sailing and power cruising in UK and overseas waters. Practical courses can be arranged, usually with Southern Sailing School or East Anglia Sea School, to correspond with our shorebased course dates.
In addition to many specialist 1 day RYA courses, the shorebased RYA Navigation courses are run as two weekend or five day intensive courses, and also evening classes. The school is able to provide most of the RYA Shorebased courses on a flexible basis for those who are unable to attend on advertised courses. Tutorials/Workshops on a One to One or group basis are also available.
The courses offered by the school are appropriate to anyone who uses coastal waters or the ‘high seas’ for business or pleasure, and for those who wish to know more about the sea.
We undertake to provide individuals with Career Guidance, Training Needs Analysis and Training Plans to assist in their personal development and to ensure that they can start or continue with their career in boating/yachting.
If the courses or dates you require are not included on this web site please do not hesitate to contact the School to discuss your personal requirements. We will be happy, subject to a minimum number of students, to arrange a suitable course for you.
If you would like any of these courses to be held at a venue of your choice please contact the school to discuss arrangements.
Our Founder – Captain John Percival
It was with great sadness that we announced the passing of Captain John Percival on Sunday 9th March 2014. John was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2008, which had been under control until late 2013, and he passed away peacefully in the early hours of the morning with his family at his bedside. Over the previous 6 months John stepped back from day-to-day business at JPMA/HSS due to his deteriorating health. He took formal retirement in early February 2014. John’s daughter Anna continues, with the help of the Business Development team and the rest of the Crew (who now number more than 30), to maintain the renowned high standards of the school. John’s wife Maureen, and daughters Anna & Lyssa, thank all those who attended John’s funeral on Friday 21st March 2014.
Captain WJH Percival MNI MRIN 6th April 1945 – 9th March 2014
JPMA (John Percival Marine Associates) & Hoylake Sailing School Ltd.